
Frequently Asked Questions about the China Trial Visa Waiver Policy (Jan 2024)

A lot of you have asked me questions about the latest China visa free policy. I’m your China travel expert but for this type of legal/policy questions, the best source of information is from the Chinese Embassy. Here I found you the latest Q&A from The Chinese Embassy. Most of your questions have answers here!🥳

The Official Q&A from The Chinese Embassy

Q: Is it necessary for foreigners applying the visa-free policy to come to China to make a declaration in advance through Chinese embassies and consulates abroad?

A: Eligible foreigners are not required to make a declaration in advance to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in China when they come to China under the Visa Waiver Policy.

Q: Whether and how do the Chinese border control authorities verify the reason for coming to China? Do I need to bring other documents in addition to my passport when entering China?

Foreigners who come to China for business, sightseeing, visiting relatives or friends, or in transit, whose reasons for coming to China are in line with the visa-free policy, shall be allowed to enter China after inspection by the Chinese border control authorities in accordance with the law; for foreigners whose reasons for coming to China are not in line with those stipulated in the visa-free policy, or who are not allowed to enter China in accordance with the laws and regulations, the border control authorities shall make a decision of not allowing them to enter China in accordance with the laws and regulations. It is recommended to bring along invitation letters, air ticket and hotel orders, and other supporting documents that are consistent with the reasons for coming to China. People coming to China for work, study or reporting are not covered by the visa exemption.

Q: Are there any special requirements for minors to come to China under the visa-free policy?

A: Minors are subject to the same conditions as adults under the Visa Waiver Policy.

Q: Are there any requirements on the type and validity of entry documents?

A: Foreigners are required to come to China with a valid passport, the validity period of which must meet the needs of traveling in China. Foreigners holding documents other than ordinary passports, such as travel certificates, temporary or emergency documents, are not eligible to come to China under the visa-free policy.

Q: How is the 15-day period of stay calculated?

A: Foreigners eligible for visa-free access to China can stay continuously until 24:00 of the 15th natural day from the date of entry.

Q: Is it possible to depart from a country other than the country of nationality?

A: Foreigners eligible for visa-free access to China can depart from any country (region) outside China.

Q: Does it apply to other modes of entry other than by air?

A: The unilateral visa-free access is applicable to all sea, land and air ports open to foreigners (except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or bilateral arrangements). If you come to China by your own means of transportation, you should also go through the procedures of entry and exit of your own means of transportation in accordance with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations.

Q: Can tourist groups enter China visa-free?

A: Foreigners who meet the conditions for visa-free entry into China can enter China under the visa-free policy, whether they are participating in a tour group or traveling individually.

Q: Is it possible to apply for an extension of stay in China if it exceeds 15 days?

A: If a foreigner intends to stay in China for more than 15 days, he/she should apply for a visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General abroad in accordance with his/her purpose of visit to China. If a foreigner needs to continue to stay in China for reasonable and justifiable reasons after entering China under the visa-free policy, he/she should apply for a residence permit from the Exit-Entry Administration of the Public Security Bureau.

Q: Is it possible to enter China more than once, is there any requirement on the time interval between entries, and is there any limitation on the number of visa-free visits and the total number of days of stay?

A: Foreigners who meet the conditions for visa-free entry into China may enter China multiple times under the visa-free policy, and there is no restriction on the number of times of visa-free entry or the total number of days of stay for the time being, but they should pay attention to the fact that they should not engage in activities incompatible with the reason for their entry into China.

source: http://de.china-embassy.gov.cn/sgyw/202401/t20240118_11228843.htm




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